#TBT Refuse & Embrace - 10 Mantras to help you stay focused on YOU!!


It's a wonderful day for a blog post, a #TBT post rather. Several years ago there were a few forums in which I had an online presence. From my online magazine for women of color to a personal blog about living and learning in this life that I penned. After putting both projects to rest and focusing on growing my career (or day job), I’ve realized that it was those very spaces that brought out not only my creative side but my voice. A voice that I truly missed connecting with and sharing, hence the creation of PolkaDotTheory.

At times I revisit these spaces to see if anything written could be applied to my life today. I thought that sharing some of those posts would not only inspire me to reconnect but encourage you to look back, find those things that once made you happy and reconnect as well.  So keep reading for 10 affirmations that can help you stay focused on you. 

 PS…. don’t mind the throwback photos, let’s just focus on the message, but trust me I was in style 😊. Enjoy!! 

#TBT Refuse & Embrace
I'm back and feeling better than ever. Boy oh boy, what a little rest and relaxation can do for the body....Look at that smile - whoa!!  

 (Multi-Colored Tribal Tunic & Necklace: Forever21: Chocolate Brown Skirt: The Limited- so old)
Today I woke up with two words on my heart and I thought I'd share them with you today, Refuse and Embrace.Yeah I know, where did that come from and why are they on my heart so heavy? I have no idea, but there's always room for speculation. I think it is a message, not just for me but for someone out there reading this blog. 

If you're anything like me, sometimes you find yourself trying to be everything to and for everyone, while leaving yourself with a little bit of nothing, if anything is actually left. Don't get me wrong, it is okay to try and please those around you and become what you need to be for those that you love. However, what's not okay is giving so much of yourself until every bit of you is gone. Or even worse, becoming something you aren't for the sake of making other people happy. Both situations can do nothing but rob you of who you are and even worse, rob you of who you really want to be. They can lead you down a path to emptiness. Empty to the point where there is nothing left of you to keep YOU moving in the direction that you're intended to move towards. Another way to look at this is allowing yourself to become burned out or turning into something that you're not, and honestly, who needs that? 

What better time than now get off of that rotten path and start a fresh? Every day is a new day, we get another chance to get it right or work towards what's right. Today is the perfect day to save just a little bit of you for you, to invest in your hopes and dreams... So think about it, what will YOU do with these two words? Here are ten mantras that I will meditate on daily: 

Ten (10) affirmations to help you stay focused on you: 
  1. I refuse to be the last item on my list or better yet, missing from that list.
  2. I embrace my dreams and desires and live life to the fullest (what I define as the fullest).
  3. I refuse to continue to contribute to any type of personal pain or unwarranted stress.
  4. I embrace a way of life that can contribute to pure joy and happiness.
  5. I refuse to allow my past to control me.
  6. I embrace what the future holds.
  7. I refuse to live in mediocrity.
  8. I embrace the idea of abundance.
  9. I refuse to allow anything or anybody to have a negative impact in my life
  10. I will embrace new relationships with a whole heart.   
Have a fantastic day and thank you for visiting!


  1. I completely agree - embracing abundance, moving and looking forward - such positive ways to improve our lives!

    1. Hi Jennifer, you are right moving and looking forward is a direct path to self improvement. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!!


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